To be a part of a TEAM championship is something I have dreamed about since the moment I started running here at St. Norbert. Winning the team title yesterday meant so much more to me than anything I'll ever do individually. To watch this program build up and grow to where it is now is simply incredible. We continue to take ourselves to new heights, and I am just so grateful to be a part of it all!
Just about all of us PR'd on a course that was relatively fast but not super flat, so we continue to see just how much progress we've made even within this season! 4 out of our top 7 runners are freshmen, which also shows the poise we have within this team. To be able to step up the way they did at a meet they've never even been a part of before is phenomenal. I can't say enough about all my teammates' work ethics... we are one extremely hard workin bunch of ladies! :) And what's perhaps the best part about distance running? HARD WORK PAYS OFF! In the form of a Conference Championship - the year 2010 forever etched on our Schuldes Sports Center wall, the memories forever etched in our minds :)
My Coach was finally recognized as Coach of the Year, which to me, is a long time coming. He's been here 4 years now and has obviously taken this program to new heights. We're definitely not done climbing yet, either! I hope we crack the National Top 35 poll this next week as a result of our great showing within our Conference, something that has never happened in the history of SNC Cross Country. And although our Midwest Region is probably the toughest region in all of DIII Cross Country, we'll have a shot at making it to Nationals as a team, and that's something that hasn't even ever been talked about for us. That's the kind of changes that have been going on around here -- and again, I am just so very grateful to be able to be a part of it all. And even when I'm gone (wish it wasn't so very soon!), I have so much faith that this program will continue to head up and and up and up. The sky's truly the limit with this program under the reigns of Coach Augustine!
I am so, so proud of each and every one of my teammates... and have never been prouder to be a Green Knight! This season has been absolutely spectacular thus far... everything I've ever dreamed of - and MORE! And in two weeks, I know we'll be ready to put ourselves in a position to make even more SNC CC history at the Regional meet. Can't think of anything better than having my Green Knight family in a box of our own in Waverly, Iowa on November 20th. :)
I loved our fans, I loved our performances, I loved everything about the day. Forever an awesome, awesome memory. I can't wait to make even MORE memories within this final 3 week stretch of what has already been an amazing 2010 cross country season! It was a phenomenal feeling to go out on top of the Midwest Conference (being it was my LAST Conference meet ever!)... and now it's time to focus on an even greater goal. My 4+ year journey as a KnightRunner is nearing its completion... but don't worry, I'm saving the best for last.
"Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved."
"A goal is a dream that has an ending. " -- Duke Ellington
"Sure I am this day that we are masters of our fate, that the task which has been set before us is not above our strength; that its pangs and toils are not beyond our endurance. As long as we have faith in our own cause and an unconquerable will to win,
victory will not be denied us.” -Winston Churchill
Click HERE to watch an interview from yesterday's meet with my coach, and then with me on winning the Championship! Especially love the beginning of my Coach's interview ;)

Please visit my Dad's SmugMug website to view more pictures from the Championship meet! I tried to upload several more to my blog but I think the pictures are too big in size as it wasn't quite working right!